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Personal Training


Customized one-on-one personal training session at our private studio.


The duration of one session is 55 minutes. Each session will be customized after we discuss your goals during the consultation and we evaluate your performance during the initial assessment.


Please schedule your sessions with us after purchasing. Our e-mail can be found from the “contact us” button.


12 Personal Training Sessions


12 one-on-one personal training sessions. 


You have 8-weeks to use your sessions.


1 Trial Personal Training Session


Special discount on your first one-on-one personal training session. In this session, we evaluate your performance in different ways such as mobility, balance, speed, and strength.


We will also go over your goals and any prior injuries and/or limitations you may have so that we can work with you safely.








8 Personal Training Sessions


8 one-on-one personal training sessions. 


You have 8-weeks to use your sessions.


1 Personal Training Session


Once your initial assessment is complete, your coach will design your training session to help you achieve the goals that you have discussed during a consultation.


We will take into consideration each individual’s needs and challenges based on previous injuries, mobility, balance and overall experience and knowledge.




4 Personal Training Sessions


4 one-on-one personal training sessions.


You have 8-weeks to use your sessions.

Bodybuilding Prep

Competition Package

Customized bodybuilding competition preparation package which includes training and cardio regimen as well as macronutrient and/or meal plan recommendation.


You will have check-ins available through email, text, or phone.


We welcome all organizations and divisions. Please contact us for long-term prep packages.


1 Posing Practice Session


You will learn to pose in ways that showcase your physique at its best while hiding your weakness to enhance your strengths. During the session, your coach will teach you how to take advantage of angles & space on stage.


Classis Physique, bodybuilding and women’s physique competitors can also get choreographed posing routine guidance with poses designed to make you look at your best so that you can present your months of hard work!





Bodybuilding Competition Prep – 12 weeks


Customized bodybuilding competition preparation package which includes training and cardio regimen as well as macronutrient and/or meal plan recommendation. You will have daily access to your designated coach to assure all of your questions and concerns are answered throughout your competition prep.


Check-ins of your physique is done on a weekly basis to make adjustments to your plan. Your coach will guide you through every step of the way. You will also have daily check-ins with your coach throughout your peak week (the week before showtime) so that you will be 120% prepared for the stage rather than making amateur mistakes which can jeopardize your months-long hard work.




If you prefer working with us for a longer-term, please contact us so we can customize a plan for you.





Lyfestile Program


Customized program accommodating clients’ needs. Achieve your ideal body for a special occasion such as a vacation or a wedding, or simply work on creating a healthier lifestyle. We welcome all levels.


Support is provided through emails, messages, and face-time sessions. Please contact us for long-term programs.


1 Hour Consultation


During this call, you choose which coach to schedule your call with. You can talk or ask about anything

If you’re trying to learn how to adjust your diet, training, supplement protocol, have all information with you.


We can review your plan or hep you create an outline that you can modify on your own later on.






Online 8-Week Program – BASIC PACKAGE


You will contact your coach of preference to discuss your prior training and exercise experience, goals, injuries (if any), balance and mobility that may affect your range of motion during certain workouts. In addition, you will discuss our dietary restrictions as well as your current diet, your daily routine so that your coach can recommend your meal plan. Then, your coach will design a weekly training split along with macronutrient counts to suit your goals and needs. You will check-in with your coach weekly to discuss any questions, concerns, or suggestion and you will receive a modified training split and macro counts accordingly. With this program, you are responsible for checking in weekly with you weight & progress pictures via text or email so that your weekly training split, cardio, and macronutrient counts can be modified and sent back to you. This selection is the 8-week program.




Online 12-Week Program – ADD ON MEAL PLAN


This add on option is designed for those who prefer a detailed meal plan instead of adding up numbers with given macronutrient counts on their own. You will receive a detailed meal plan with different food options, taking into consideration your food allergies and preferences you may have to make dieting more enjoyable and sustainable. This option is for the 12-week plan.



Online 4-Week Program – BASIC PACKAGE


You will contact your coach of preference to discuss your prior training and exercise experience, goals, injuries (if any), balance and mobility that may affect your range of motion during certain workouts. In addition, you will discuss your dietary restrictions as well as your current diet, your daily routine so that your coach can recommend your meal plan. Then, your coach will design a weekly training split along with macronutrient counts to suit your goals and needs. You will check-in with your coach weekly to discuss any questions, concerns, or suggestion and you will receive a modified training split and macro counts accordingly.


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Online 12-Week Program - BASIC PACKAGE


You will contact your coach of preference to discuss your prior training and exercise experience, goals, injuries (if any), balance and mobility that may affect your range of motion during certain workouts. In addition, you will discuss our dietary restrictions as well as your current diet, your daily routine so that your coach can recommend your meal plan. Then, your coach will design a weekly training split along with macronutrient counts to suit your goals and needs. You will check-in with your coach weekly to discuss any questions, concerns, or suggestion and you will receive a modified training split and macro counts accordingly. With this program, you are responsible for checking in weekly with you weight & progress pictures via text or email so that your weekly training split, cardio, and macronutrient counts can be modified and sent back to you. This selection is the 12-week program.


Online 4-Week Program – TRAINING ONLY


You will contact your coach of preference to discuss your prior training and exercise experience, goals, injuries (if any), balance and mobility that may affect your range of motion during certain workouts. Then, your coach will design a weekly training split to suit your goals and needs. You will check-in with your coach weekly to discuss any questions, concerns, or suggestions and you will receive a modified training split accordingly. 





Online 8-Week Program – ADD ON MEAL PLAN


This add on option is designed for those who prefer a detailed meal plan instead of adding up numbers with given macronutrient counts on their own. You will receive a detailed meal plan with different food options, taking into consideration your food allergies and preferences you may have to make dieting more enjoyable and sustainable. This option is for the 8-week plan. 


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